Love music- Chris Brown
Hey. I'm new to this. I'm still figuring out how to do an image header (someone help me!) So I regularly blog on tumblr (, but I decided to try this out. I was having some problems with tumblr despite its convinience in blogging, and the followers I've gained.
Tumblr's culture has users appealed to cool pictures or text you can understand in two seconds. I believe that people on tumblr (most atleast) are short on attention and barely read real text posts, unless it is from someone who they admire, like a famous personality. Plus, I can't seem to be contented with the layouts I select (sounds weird).
Maybe I'm sounding a bit boring now, so here are some pictures I took with best friend, Venus Rah! I mean, Sabrina Toledano :) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY lady!
For more of my works you can visit:
Plus, here's a picture of my baby brother Gerard Coghill. We miss him! He's vacationing at my lola's at the moment.
So since the summer is on I really have a lot of plans, please bare with me, I shall blog/write/post art as the days go by :) Thank you! :* <3